Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: (4,4)(4,0)
- Difficulty (1-10): 3
- Prerequisites: Two in one
- Related Tricks: Four Ball Columns

Columns is usually the first synchronous (balls thrown
from both hands at the same time) pattern a juggler learns. It gets its name
from the vertical path travelled by each ball, similar to the columns used
in architecture. Like the overthrow patterns, Columns is a fairly easy trick
to learn.
Breaking the trick down, we can see that Columns is really just a Two-in-One
in one hand with a third ball thrown synchronously from the other hand.
Knowing this, it would be important to make sure you can juggle the
columns-style Two-in-One, where the balls travel vertically in their own
separate paths:
One you have that down, all that's left is to add in the third ball (and
second hand). Starting with the Two-in-One, you are going to wait until you
are about throw your outside Two-in-One ball (the one that isn't at the
center of your body). As you are making that throw, you are also going to
throw the third ball up at the same time:
Once you can do a single synchronous throw reliably, you can begin cutting
down on the number of "recovery throws" you make, and move towards doing
constant synchronous throws. Once you have the basic Columns pattern down,
there are countless variations that can add extra complexity and visual