Compressed Olas
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Compressed Olas (improvised
name) is a variation of the Olas pattern in which the revolving catch is
used on both multiplexed balls, instead of just the top one. This leads to a
smaller and quicker trick that may be slightly more difficult than its
slower parent pattern. While I would recommending learning normal Olas
before this variation, the two can really be learned in interchangeable
order. However, this tutorial will assume you already know the standard
Since the only real difference between normal Olas and
the Compressed form is the revolving catch, you will need to learn to grab
both multiplexed balls with that style of catch. Start with just two balls,
both in your non-dominant hand. Then, multiplex them as if juggling Olas,
but instead of tossing back the passed ball from the multiplex, you are
going to hold on to it and do a revolving catch on the second ball.
Practice this on both sides. Notice how one hand is nothing
after each multiplex. The third ball will fit in there, being thrown before
the multiplex as if in the normal pattern, but in Compressed Olas the ball
is not passed into the revolving catch, and will instead be continuously
tossed over the multiplex for the duration of the trick.