Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: (4,4)(6,0)(2x,2x)
- Difficulty (1-10): 3
- Prerequisites: Columns
- Related Tricks: Four Ball Shuffle-Switch
CissyandtheMan (demonstration)

The Shuffle-Switch is a
variation of Columns where you do a rapid double-pass of the outside balls
between hands, before tossing them up. This is one of the more difficult
variations, with the high speed "shuffle-switch" dramatically changing the
normal timing of the Columns pattern.
To learn the trick, it is best to first concentrate on the
double pass by itself. In order to prevent the balls from colliding into
each other, you will need to slightly change the height of each throw,
with one hand lower than the other.
You will need to be comfortable enough with this to do it
without looking, since your focus will be directed towards maintaining the
Columns pattern, with the passes happening on the very edge of your
peripheral vision. Once you have this step mastered, you can simply add one
or two "shuffles" into a normal Columns run, eventually working your way up
to doing a constant Shuffle-Switch. The shuffle move itself is not limited
to this particular trick, and can in fact be incorporated into other
patterns such as the Shower (thus becoming a variant of the High-Low