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The 552 is a four ball pattern
in which each hand makes an uninterrupted pair of Cascade-like throws. This
gives the pattern an odd asymmetrical-yet-symmetrical feel which separates it
from other four ball tricks. The 552 can also be thought of as two two-ball
Snakes crossing paths with each other, therefore it is best that you already
know the three ball Snake before trying this pattern.
To begin learning the 552, start with two balls in your
dominant hand and one ball in your non-dominant. Throw the ball in your
non-dominant hand across your body, and then make two sequential throws from
your dominant hand to your non-dominant hand, clearing space for your
dominant hand to catch the first ball. Then catch the other two balls in
your non-dominant hand.
Practice this on both sides. As you may have noticed, this is
really just a portion of the three ball Snake. However, it is also the
foundation of the 552. Once you have this step mastered, you are ready to
add in the fourth ball. Start with two balls in each hand, then make one
throw from your non-dominant hand, followed by two throws from your dominant
hand (just as in the previous step). As the first ball from your dominant
hand approaches your non-dominant hand, throw the ball the latter hand is
holding, clearing space for the other ball to land. Once that ball has been
caught, throw it back across your body, making room for the second ball from
your dominant hand to be caught. Then catch the rest of the balls.
Practice this on both sides. Once you have it mastered, all
that's left to run the full 552 is to make another two throws with your
dominant hand after the last throw in the step above, starting another
cycle. This pattern is enjoyable to juggle in its own right, but is also a
great warm up to the Five Ball Cascade.