Switched Box
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: (4,2x)*
- Difficulty (1-10): 6
- Prerequisites: Box
- Related Tricks: Threaded Box

The Switched Box is a shape
distortion of the Box pattern in which each column is caught and thrown by
the opposite hand (i.e. the left column is caught by your right hand and the right
column is caught by your left hand). This makes for a more awkward trick as
both hands must quickly move side-to-side to accommodate the catches. In
general however the Switched Box is only slightly more difficult to perform
than the normal Box, and most jugglers will pick it up fairly easily.
To begin learning the Switched Box, start with two balls in
your dominant hand and one ball in your non-dominant hand. Make a vertical throw
from your dominant hand and then shift your dominant hand over to the
non-dominant side of your body. When the first ball reaches its peak and
begins to descend you are going to make a second vertical throw from your
dominant hand (this time on the non-dominant side of your body) and then
simultaneously shift both hands to the dominant side of your body while
making a horizontal pass from your non-dominant hand to your dominant hand.
This will clear space for your non-dominant hand to catch the first vertical
ball. The second vertical ball will be caught by your dominant hand.
Practice this on both sides until you can perform it smoothly
and without collisions. To run the full pattern simply make another vertical
throw from your dominant hand and horizontal pass from your non-dominant
hand as the second vertical ball begins to descend.