Truffle Shuffle
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: (6,2)(2x,2x)
- Difficulty (1-10): 4
- Prerequisites: Shuffle-Switch

The Truffle Shuffle is an
asymmetrical three ball pattern in which one hand alternates between making
lofty fountain throws and quick shuffle passes. The other hand contributes
very little to the trick, only making a quick pass during the shuffle.
The first step to learning the Truffle Shuffle is to practice
the shuffle pass. Start with one ball in each hand, and then lift your
dominant hand about twelve inches above your non-dominant hand. Then, your
are going to make simultaneous throws from each hand. The dominant hand will
throw diagonally downward toward your non-dominant hand, while your
non-dominant hand will make a roughly horizontal throw (it should be angled
slightly upward toward your dominant hand).
Practice these two throws until they are second nature. To
add in the third ball, start with two balls in your dominant hand and one
ball in your non-dominant. Cross your dominant hand underneath your
non-dominant hand, and then make a high under-the-arm throw back towards the
center of your body. Then, bring your dominant hand back to its normal side,
raise it up diagonally above your non-dominant hand, and do the two throws
practiced in the previous step. Then bring your dominant hand back
underneath your non-dominant hand and make another high throw, marking the
start of a second cycle and clearing space for you to catch the first high
To run the full Truffle Shuffle, just make another pair of
passes after the last high throw, and then repeat the cycle. The Truffle
Shuffle is not a particularly difficult trick, but it can have a relatively
quick pace so it is probably best to make very lofty throws when you are
first learning, in order to give you adequate time to make the passes.