Five Ball Split Multiplex Cascade
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: [32T]
- Difficulty (1-10): 6
- Prerequisites: Cascade
- Related Tricks: Stacked Multiplex Cascade
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The Five Ball Split Multiplex
Cascade is essentially a three ball Cascade where every normal throw is
paired with a vertical throw that returns to the same hand. This is the
split multiplex, which adds a layer of complexity without making the pattern
that much harder. As such, the Five Ball Split Multiplex Cascade is probably
one of the easiest tricks that can be done with five balls.
To learn the Five Ball Split Multiplex Cascade, start with
two balls in each hand. Make a split multiplex from your dominant hand such
that one ball travels across your body while the other ball stays roughly in
line with your dominant hand. As the ball thrown across your body approaches
your non-dominant hand, and as the vertical ball from the multiplex
approaches your dominant hand, make a second, identical, multiplex from your
non-dominant hand, clearing space for you to catch that first ball. Then
catch the rest of the balls.
As shown, practice this on both sides. While the animations
in this tutorial all show the two balls being thrown at different heights,
this is a purely stylistic choice, as many jugglers throw both balls at
equal heights. Once you can make these two multiplex throws consistently, it
is time to add in the fifth ball. Start with three balls in your dominant
hand and two balls in your non-dominant. Make a single Cascade throw from
your dominant hand, and then make a split multiplex from your non-dominant
hand, clearing space for your hand to catch the first ball. As the ball from
that multiplex approaches your dominant hand, make a second split multiplex
and catch that ball. Then catch the rest of the balls.
Once you have this first cycle mastered, you simply need to
keep making split multiplexes and you will be running the full Five Ball
Split Multiplex Cascade.