King of Hearts
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: 3[34]0332
- Difficulty (1-10): 4
- Prerequisites: Kingston Shuffle (optional)
Idiosensory (last trick of video)

King of Hearts is a variation
of the Kingston Shuffle established by
in which the "fake" toss is replaced by a normal Cascade throw, which is
then followed by an overthrow and arm flourish after catching the top ball
of the multiplex. These changes give King of Hearts a more fluid feel, and
make it generally easier to juggle, especially if you are already familiar
with similar patterns such as Orka's Mess. It is not necessary to know the
Kingston Shuffle before attempting this trick, but it will help. This
tutorial however will assume you cannot already perform the pattern.
To learn King of Hearts, start with two balls in your
dominant hand and one ball in your non-dominant. Make a normal Cascade throw
from your non-dominant hand, and then bring your dominant hand over to the
non-dominant side of your body and perform a stacked multiplex. With your
dominant hand now empty, catch the first ball, then bring your hand back
toward the center of your body and make a mostly vertical throw angled
toward your non-dominant hand. Catch the top multiplex ball as it's falling
back down with your now empty dominant hand, then swing that hand over and
around the ball it just threw while catching the bottom multiplex ball with
your non-dominant hand. Catch the previous throw from your dominant hand
with your non-dominant hand.
As shown, practice this on both sides. To add in the final
two throws, you are going to make a Column throw from your non-dominant hand
on the opposite side of your body while swinging your dominant hand between
that ball and the throw made from your dominant hand previously. You will
then catch the bottom multiplex ball with your non-dominant hand, while
bringing your dominant hand to the center of your body. As you make a
relatively vertical throw toward your non-dominant hand from your dominant
hand, you are going to raise your non-dominant hand up with the ball, such
that the distance between the thrown ball and your hand stays the same. As
you catch the Column ball thrown earlier with your dominant hand, and as the
vertical ball beneath your non-dominant hand reaches its peak, you are going
to bring your non-dominant hand downward and catch the ball.
As shown, practice this on both sides. To run the full King
of Hearts, just add a Cascade throw with your dominant hand followed by a
multiplex from your non-dominant hand to the end of the this previous step.
This makes up the first portion of the next cycle, so just repeat the same
pattern of throws as you have been practicing.