Maka's Mess
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: (4,2T)(4x,2)*
- Difficulty (1-10): 5
- Prerequisites: Crossed-Arm Reverse Cascade
- Related Tricks: Luke's Lobotomy (sort of)

Maka's Mess is a three ball
pattern established by
Idiosensory. The trick combines a
wrist drop with two lofty throws made to somewhat resemble Mills Mess. If
you are already comfortable with wrist drops then Maka's Mess should not be
too difficult to learn, as the other throws are simple and slow.
To begin learning Maka's Mess, start with one ball in each
hand. Cross your dominant hand over your non-dominant hand, palm facing down,
and then simultaneously make a high under-the-arm throw from your
non-dominant hand toward the center of your body while basically dropping
the ball in your dominant hand (you will still want to give it a bit of
upward motion). You will then quickly uncross your dominant hand and then
recross it underneath your non-dominant hand to under-the-arm catch the ball
your dominant hand just dropped. The high under-the-arm throw made by your
non-dominant hand will then be caught by your non-dominant hand.
As shown, practice this on both sides. To add in the third
ball, start with two balls in your dominant hand and one ball in your
non-dominant hand. Make a high throw from your dominant hand toward the
center of your body and then cross your dominant hand over your non-dominant
hand. As that ball peaks and begins to descend, perform the same two throws
that you did in step one, catching the first ball you threw with your
now empty non-dominant hand followed closely by your dominant hand
under-the-arm catching the ball it dropped. As the high ball thrown by your
non-dominant hand begins to descend you are going to make another high throw
from your non-dominant hand toward the center of your body, clearing space
for your non-dominant hand to catch the first high ball it threw. The
last ball will then be caught by your dominant hand.
Practice this on both sides. Notice how the last throw is a
mirror image of the first throw. To run the full pattern simply make another
simultaneous high throw/wrist drop combination using the opposite hand
configuration and continue on from there. Once you are comfortable making
wrist drops Maka's Mess becomes a fairly easy pattern, though getting the
high throws to curve correctly can take a bit of effort.