Mike's Mess
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: 3
- Difficulty (1-10): 4
- Prerequisites: Crossed-Arm Reverse Cascade
- Related Tricks: Mills Mess
TWJ Club (text-based)

Mike's Mess is a three ball
pattern established by Mike Day. It can best be described as a Cascade in which
every throw and catch is made under-the-arm, giving the trick a fairly
unique aesthetic. Before learning Mike's Mess, you should probably already
be comfortable with the Crossed-Arm Reverse Cascade in both arm
Since Mike's Mess is a fairly simple pattern, there is really
only one intermediate step to practice. Start with two balls in your
dominant hand and one ball in your non-dominant. Cross your dominant arm
underneath your non-dominant arm, and then make a fairly high throw from
your dominant hand back toward the dominant side of your body. As that ball
is traveling through the air you will uncross and then recross your arms,
this time in the opposite configuration (dominant arm over non-dominant
arm). You will want to time this motion such that your non-dominant hand
comes into position as the ball in the air is descending. You will then make
an under-the-arm throw from your non-dominant hand toward the non-dominant
side of your body (a mirror image of the first throw), clearing space for
your non-dominant hand to catch the first ball. The ball just thrown will
then be caught by your dominant hand.
Practice this on both sides until you can perform the motions
smoothly and throw accurately. To perform the full pattern, simply repeat
the arm motions after every throw, making sure that you are both catching
and throwing under-the-arm. Mike's Mess is a pretty easy pattern, and can be
helpful when learning Mills Mess.