Nelson's Nemesis
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: (4x,4x)(0,4x)(4,2)*
- Difficulty (1-10): 5
- Prerequisites: Columns, Rubenstein's Revenge

Nelson's Nemesis is a three
ball pattern that basically fuses Columns and Rubenstein's Revenge together
into one trick. It combines simultaneous vertical throws with revolving arm
motions to create a unique juggling aesthetic. Nelson's Nemesis is not a
particularly difficult pattern, but its throws might be slightly confusing
at first.
To learn Nelson's Nemesis, start with two balls in your
non-dominant hand and one ball in your dominant. Make one vertical throw
from each hand simultaneously (as if doing Columns), and then bring your
dominant hand up and grab the ball thrown from your non-dominant hand at its
peak. Let the other ball begin to descend, and then reach your non-dominant
hand (which is still holding a ball) over across your body to the outside
and make a vertical throw. This will clear space for you to catch the other
vertical ball. Then catch the last ball with your dominant hand.
As shown, practice this on both sides. Once you have these
two synchronous throws mastered, the only thing left to learn is the arm
flourish. In the previous step, you may have noticed that after the second
ball has been caught and the third ball has been thrown, there is a period
of time where both hands are idle. Instead of just having your arms sit
there, you are going bring your dominant hand (which at this point has just
grabbed one of the vertical balls) up and around the center of your body.
Once your non-dominant hand has caught the other vertical ball (right after
throwing the third ball), it too will be swung around the center of your
body in a circle. This flourish should be practically identical to the one
performed in Rubenstein's Revenge. Once your dominant hand has circled down
to the center of your body, you are going to make a roughly vertical throw.
If timed correctly, your dominant hand should then be free to catch the
third ball. The last ball will then be caught by your dominant hand.
As shown, practice this on both sides. Notice that after the
flourish and vertical throw, you will have one ball in each hand. To start a
new cycle of the pattern, make another pair of simultaneous throws, catching
the last vertical ball in the same hand that threw it (in this case, your
dominant hand). You will then reach up and grab one of the vertical balls
and make the same set of throws as done in the previous steps, using the
opposite hand for each throw. If you are having trouble figuring out the
throws of Nelson's Nemesis, watch the full trick animation at the top of
this page very closely, making sure to track each individual ball throughout
the pattern.