Relf's Revenge
Other Tutorials:
- Siteswap: 423
- Difficulty (1-10): 5
- Prerequisites: Follow, Weave (optional)
- Related Tricks: Relf's Revenge 6, Relf's Rubensteins

Relf's Revenge is a three ball
pattern which adds fast orbits to the basic 423 siteswap. It can also be
thought of as a variation of the Follow in which an orbit is performed
before each carry. For this reason it's important that you already be
comfortable with the Follow before attempting Relf's Revenge, and it also
probably wouldn't hurt to know the Weave (another 423 trick).
To begin learning Relf's Revenge, start with two balls in
your dominant hand and one ball in your non-dominant hand. Raise your
non-dominant hand up to about shoulder height, and then bring both hands to
the center of your body such that your dominant hand is positioned under
your non-dominant hand. Then make an under-the-arm throw from your dominant
hand back toward the dominant side of your body while simultaneously
swinging your non-dominant hand in a circle around and then under the thrown ball.
As that ball peaks and begins to descend you will follow it from above with
your non-dominant hand, which should have finished circling around. Your
dominant hand will then make a second under-the-arm throw from the same
position as the first, though the throw itself should be more
vertical. This will clear space for your dominant hand to catch the first
ball, after which you will catch the second ball with your non-dominant
As shown, practice this on both sides. For the next step we
are going to focus on what happens to your dominant hand after catching the
first ball. Your non-dominant hand, having been following the first ball,
will slide down along the inside of your dominant hand, which will in turn
begin to shift up and around such that it ends up close to the center of your body
at about shoulder height. At this point the second ball (the last throw you
made in first step) will be descending, so you will make an under-the-arm
throw from your non-dominant hand back toward the non-dominant side of your
body before catching the second ball with your non-dominant hand. As this
third throw is being made your dominant hand will swing around and then
under the thrown ball. After that ball peaks and begins to descend you will
catch it with your non-dominant hand while following it from above with your dominant
Once again, practice this on both sides. Notice how the arm
motion you did with your dominant hand is a mirror image of the one you did
at the beginning with your non-dominant hand. To continue the pattern simply
make a second under-the-arm throw with your non-dominant hand and then use
it catch the ball being followed by your dominant hand. This will set you up
to repeat the circular arm flourish with your non-dominant hand, at which
point you are right back where you started. Relf's Revenge is not an
especially hard pattern, but its rarity will make the trick more impressive
to other jugglers.